The Company Store Kids' Design Contest

Here's a fun way to support art education and develop an awareness for community involvement with your kids -- join the Company Kids' comforter design contest!

The Company Store is teaming up with non-profit organizations around the country and donating a comforter to a homeless child whenever anyone buys one of their comforters until March 31, 2011 (you can read more about their Buy One, Give One initiative here). And until April 11, 2011, Company Kids is accepting original artwork from children 12 years and under for their Kids Design Contest. The winning piece will be tranformed into a comforter print for the Buy One, Give One comforters that The Company Store will donate!

Here's a brief contest description:

Is your child a future artist? Does he or she like to help others? The Kids' Design Contest is geared at inspiring creativity while supporting art education and charitable work among America's youth. All it takes is submitting an original design for a comforter. If that design gets the most votes on Facebook, we'll use it on the comforters we donate to homeless kids across the country. And the three designers with the most votes win Company Kids gift cards. Let your kids use their creativity to help others. Enter them into the contest and start designing!

Head over to the Company Kids Facebook Page for more details, and to submit your child's designs. Good luck!

Disclosure: As a thank-you for posting this information, Company Kids is sending me a sample Company Kids backpack. Contest information is provided by Company Kids and is indicated in italics. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. Cool contest. Thanks for the information. You may want to change the link. It directs you to this: Looks like was added by mistake.

  2. Can I make a suggestion? I think youve got something good here. But what if you happen to added a couple links to a page that backs up what youre saying? Or perhaps you could possibly give us something to take a look at, something that might join what youre saying to one thing tangible? Just a suggestion. Anyway, in my language, there will not be much good supply like this.
