Bonggamom's Friday Finds -- List your Giveaways Here

Bonggamoms Friday Finds

Welcome to Bonggamom's Friday Finds! I'm glad so many of you are finding this to be a useful way to get more traffic to your giveaways. And as a person who loves entering giveaways, I have to admit it's a great, easy way to find out where all the best giveaways are.

While I'm here, I wanted to give a shout-out to a great giveaway that I started yesterday. It's for a Le Coeur dress from Shabby Apple, and you can enter from now until April 21. Shabby Apple also gave me a Le Coeur dress to review, and let me tell you, this is one dress you want to win!


  1. Thank you very much for the giveaway linky!

  2. Your weblog is fine. I just wish to comment on the design. Its too loud. Its doing way an excessive amount of and it takes away from what youve received to say --which I feel is basically important. I dont know if you happen to didnt suppose that your phrases could maintain everyones attention, however you had been wrong. Anyway, in my language, there aren't a lot good source like this.
