Meet My BlogHer Sponsors

I'm going

BlogHer 2010 is less than 3 weeks away -- I'm ready and raring to go! The BlogHer conference is a big deal, but it's also a big investment, and I wouldn't have been able to go if not for a bit of luck and some help from some great companies. I won my 2010 BlogHer Conference Pass from Frito-Lay snacks -- they had a booth at last year's BlogHer conference and I was so excited to find out I was going to the next BlogHer conference even before the previous one was done! I also won $250 to help offset the cost of my flight to New York from thredUP, an online kids' clothing exchange site.

I also put out a call for some in-kind sponsors, and these wonderful companies generously stepped up:

AJ Wrappers makes personalized candy wrappers, party favors, and gift buckets, as well as a wide variety of gift items for weddings, anniversaries and baby showers. I thought it would be fun this year to hand out chocolates along with my business cards at BlogHer, and who else but AJ Wrappers could make the perfect customized wrappers for the chocolates? I did a review and giveaway for their Baby Sushi Socks some months ago, and I was so blown away by the cuteness of it all that I asked the owner, Alice, if she wanted to team up. Fortunately she did, so if you're at BlogHer this year and you find yourself feeling the need for a sweet pick-me-up, look for me and I'll hand you some chocolate in a package that's as sweet as the chocolate.

Jizo and Chibi are the stars of designer Valerie Johns' latest collection of wholistic jewelry. I fell in love with their delicate, whimsical pieces and I love the message of calm, serenity and love that they represent. Valerie sent me a couple of pendants and I'll be taking them along with me to BlogHer. Amidst all the hustle and bustle of New York, the craziness of the BlogHer conference, I'll have Jizo and Chibi with me to keep me centered and focused, to remind me of my own little ones waiting for me back home.

Twisted Orchid is a premium shopping destination for stylishly chic purses and handbags. From the pages of People Style Watch to Lucky, Elle and Oprah, trendspotters and fashion provocateurs alike are buzzing about our incredible selection. I've been using my Twisted Orchid tote almost every day since I got it, and I've gotten many compliments about how stylish and practical it is. There is no doubt that it will be accompanying me to BlogHer!

To all my sponsors, thank you for all your help!

Disclosure: My in-kind sponsors sent product samples for my trip to BlogHer 2010. I was not paid to review their products or give my opinions. Product information is provided by the featured companies/products and is clearly indicated as such. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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