Videogames on the PSP

Now that we have a PSP, we need to put some content on it! As a participant in the PSP Summer Family Fun program, we received four neat games -- Tetris, Style Bakery, Supermarket Mania and Rock Band -- but of course the kids are jonesing for more! We did a search online, and here are the top titles on our PSP Game Wishlist:

Kids' list -- the kids like games with characters that they know and love. They're familiar with a lot of the games that Ubisoft makes for other platforms, so they were delighted to find them on the PSP platform as well:
Petz Dogz Family
Petz Hamsterz Bunch
Petz Saddle Club
Shrek the Third
Toy Story 3: The Video Game

My list -- I'm not so into video games, but I love being able to play puzzles and games on the PSP. And I think using the PSP to brush up on my Spanish would be so, so cool. By the way, my first sentence wasn't entirely true -- I do have a soft spot for the old-school, classic video games (a true 70's-era child, that's me!):
Atari Classics Evolved
Ultimate Board Game Collection
My Spanish Coach

Alfie's list -- it was so great there are PSP games that match Alfie's passions! (that last item isn't a passion, it's just the only videogame that he ever really got into)
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
FIFA Soccer 10
World Series of Poker
XS Moto

Which PSP games would you get if you had a PSP? Any comment you leave here counts as an extra entry into my $50 PlayStation Network gift card giveaway!

Disclosure: I am participating in Sony's PSP Summer Family Fun blogger program; I received a "Summer Fun" kit which included a Sony Playstation Portable (PSP-3000) , an assortment of content (games and movies) for the PSP, as well as a journal and videocamera to capture our summer adventures. I have not been paid or required to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. How did you get to be a part of the PSP Summer Family Fun program in the first place??:)
    If I could get a game for the psp? I guess ANY game, Id be happy just to win anything even one time in my life, lol. Im a stay at home mom to 4 kids and we cant afford the extras such as video games, etc. Im enjoying all these blogs , such as yours, Im finding though! :)

  2. Hi Linda, I was invited by Sony Entertainment. How was I invited? Well, I try to follow Kevin Costner's advice in the movie "Field of Dreams" -- If you build it, they will come :)
