Grab Me!

Don't worry, there's no groping required. This is just an invitation to everyone to come and grab my new Bonggamom Finds button. After eighteen months of posting reviews and giveaways on this blog, I've finally gotten around to creating one that I'm happy with.

So here's my button, all ready for you to post on your own blogs. Because you know you've got to have Bonggamom on your blogroll, right? Feel free to grab away (but be kind, I'm ticklish).

Bonggamom Finds


  1. I found this great giveaway from Kenneth Cole and Cookie magazine. It entitles you to a free remote controll projector once you purchase $75 worth of kenneth cole kids' colection from Macy's. My little one is excited for his new toy! The website can give you more info than i can. I believe the giveaway is good until October 15. Here is the link

  2. I just got my projector in the mail! It projects those viewmaster slides onto the wall. Very cute - son loves it.

  3. Thanks for makinh uch great activity workbooks...I Love them!

  4. this would be a great carnival game.

  5. this is such a fun site.
