Cover this Belly Button Up with a SlimPerfect Dress!

It's now two weeks to BlogHer '09 , and thanks to my love affair with a couple dozen Peanut Butter Cookie Bombs, I don't think my tummy flab is going to get any less flabby for those BlogHer parties . So I'm still hoping I make the cut for the Little Black Dress Model Search contest, the amazing brainchild of Muffintopless , Girlfriendology and Slimperfect -- they're awarding 4 ladies with the perfect Slimperfect Little Black Dress, as well as a $250 Slimperfect giftcard and a makeover for BlogHer party night (July 23).

I've already outline my reasons for why I would be the perfect '10' Slim Perfect BlogHer model in my previous contest entry post, but for reason # 7 I promised a "possibly humiliating but probably funny" video entry as well. Well, I always make good on my promises, so here it is: a video of my daughter and my bellybutton pleading my case.

Note: this video is not for the faint of heart, and it's guaranteed at least an EWWW rating (don't worry, there are no naughty bits). But humiliating as this video is, it's not nearly as humiliating as showing up at those BlogHer parties looking like I'm 5 months pregnant -- even though my twins are now 5 years old. So, without further ado, here's my video entry:

The four most enthusiastic contestants get to be SlimPerfect for BlogHer, so if you want to help 'lil 'ol Bonggamom win this Little Black Dress, just send out this tweet:

@muffintopless @girlfriendology Please make @bonggamom look hot for #blogher by making her SlimPerfect!

Thanks to Slimperfect, Muffintopless and Girlfriendology for the fun contest and the chance to win!

1 comment:

  1. That is the most creative video!!! Just love it!!!

    SlimPerfect, Inc.
