I-Dog Clip Giveaway

For my second pre-holiday giveaway, I'm featuring the I-Dog Clip -- the only portable music speaker with waggable ears. How cute is that? One lucky winner gets to find out, with their very own I-Dog Clip. Here's how to enter:

* Visit the I-Dog website and check out the whole menagerie of I-Dog products.

* Leave a comment at this post -- tell me which one(s) you like best. Don't forget to include your email address so I can contact you.

* For an extra entry, blog about this giveaway on your own blog and include a link to this post. Leave an extra comment with your name, email address and a link to your blog.

I'll draw a winner at random on November 18, 2008. For the full giveaway rules, click here. Good luck!

(PS: My I-Dog Dance giveaway is still open; you can still comment here for a chance to win! And in 4 days, I'm giving away a Russ Seapals stuffie....)


  1. How cute is that? I just love the I Dog Amp'd! Thanks so much for the chance to win and for sharing this site!
    hondaray6 at hotmail dot com

  2. I love them all, but the soft pink speaker and the penguin are my favorites. if I don't win one of these critters, I'm going to have to buy one. Judie

  3. I lke the I-DOG AMP'D. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. My son would love this to go with his I-Pod shuffle. The color even matches his I-Pod as if they were a set. I like I-Dog Dance and I-CY myself for me but My son would love the I-Dog Clip the best. He told me to tell you he got all good grades on his report card Friday lol (Kids ya got to love them~!) I told him I didn't think telling you that would do him much good but he said "those good grades have got to be good for something" lol lol Thanks for caring and for sharing.

  5. I blogged about your site and your great giveaway and left a link in my side bar for an extra entry and again thanks for sharing such a cute adorable item.

  6. Woof, woof, sit BooBoo. There is room for this great prize under our Christmas tree. Happy Holidays! KennCharCorner

  7. They have a dalmation! That is the cutest thing ever!

    kelli at pfrog dot net

  8. I like the I-DOG Chill Blue Set


  9. I love the I-DOG AMP'D (Pink Butterfly). Thanks for the great giveaway.

