What a Mom Wants

Top Picks and Mothers Day Gift Lists are floating around the blogosphere. So I'm joining the pack. Here, then, is Bonggamom's Mother's Day Gift List:

A box of cabernet truffles from Anette's Chocolates, so I can eat away the sadness I feel about the terrible conditions that so many people live in.

A LiveStrong running top, so I'll look good while exercising all those extra calories off.

Shoes from Cole Haan Air, so I can show off my sexy running legs in sexy, comfortable heels.

A macro lens for our digital SLR camera.

A donation to support women's health initiatives such as these. Because after all, it's Mothers Day all over the world and they deserve a break, too.

Here's hoping....

1 comment:

  1. Hope that you get what you want- I am hoping to spend the day with the kids, and then escape for an hour of shopping w/ my sister! Cole Haan Air shoes are the best.
