Giveaway: Brothers All-Natural snacks

We were lucky to receive some samples of the latest product from Brothers-All-Natural snacks, their new, naturally-fat-free Potato Crisps. Like their best-selling Fruit Crisps, the potato crisps are simply seasoned with salt and freeze-dried to give them that cruncy texture. No frying, no oil.

Huh? Raw potato chips? Don't worry, they don't taste raw. My husband and kids did find them a bit spicy (we tried the Szechuan Pepper & Fresh Chives, and the Fresh Onion & Fresh Garlic flavors) but I thought the flavors were great. I do think the texture is an acquired taste, much like Baked Lays chips.

But the Fruit Crisps were a unanimous hit. We tried Fuji Apple, Asian Pear, Yellow Peach and Bananas & Strawberries, and we loved them all. So much so that we bought two boxes of the stuff at Costco ($12.99 for 20 packs). It's a great snack to pack in their lunchboxes (and for me as well!).

Now you can get a chance to try these snacks too! I'm giving away 4 Brothers-All-Natural snack packs (2 Fruit, 2 Potato). Just leave a comment here -- and don't forget to include your email address or blog address -- for a chance to win. I'll select a winner randomly (sorry, US residents only) from the entries ten days from now (Monday, May 19).


  1. Oooh neat-o!! I would love to try these out!
    beastbunny @

  2. Would love to try them. (Potato chips are my weakness!) A fat-free alternative sounds intriguing...Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!

    karin56381 (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. I'd love to try them, they sound delish!

  4. I'd really like to try the fruit ones.
    I blogged your giveaway on A Contest Blog at
    Good luck!

  5. They sound tasty. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. These sound like a very healthy snack. I'd love to try them.

  8. I have not heard of these and would love to try them on my family! Please
    enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it.....Thanks,Cindi

  9. Sounds good!

    gotfire (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. I'm totally intrigued now...they sound yummy! Thanks for the contest!

    scblog at hotmail dot com

  11. the books seems very interesting! hope i'll win! please count me in! thanks a lot! yanyan_140[at]yahoo[dot]com

  12. the food seems very interesting! hope i'll win! please count me in! thanks a lot! yanyan_140[at]yahoo[dot]com

  13. Thanks for playing, everyone! And the winner is.... bebemiqui! Congratulations and hope you keep visiting...
