American Girl coloring pages

For her American Girl themed birthday party this Sunday, The Pea told me she wanted some of crafts and activities that her guests could do while waiting for everyone to arrive. We're planning on making some dolls' felt purses, but The Pea told me that she and her friends would love some pages to color and cut out to make frames, greeting cards, etc..

Unfortunately there don't seem to be any American Girl coloring pages on the web anywhere, even on the American Girl website. So I took matters into my own hands and bought a copy of Coconut's Poster Pages. I photocopied the pages so that the girls will be able to color and craft to their heart's content:

Here are links to more of my American Girl coloring pages. Enjoy!
Coconut and Licorice
American Girl Fashions
Rebecca Paper Dolls


  1. We love these coloring pages. Thanks so much. Sara and Davida in Charlottesville, VA

  2. Just came across this - great fun. Thnaks.

  3. Me and my kids love your coloring pages and they wanted to ask you to make millions more!!!!

    Alex Higgins (Mom of 3 beautiful kids) Columbia,MD

  4. Would you tell me more about your American Girl themed party? I'm throwing one for my daughter in a couple of weeks.

  5. OMG this is exactly what I was looking for for my daugher's American Girl lunch. Thanks for putting it online.

  6. Thanks! my little one loves these.

  7. WOW, I love these i've been lokking for Licorice and Coconut coloring pages FOREVER!

  8. Thanks for sharing. It was just what we needed for a quiet afternoon! Kim in Idaho

  9. if any one wants to see the ag colouring pages,you can buy them at the ag place!the book is called
    coconuts poster pages.

  10. awesome ty very much

  11. Thanks. I always have coloring pages that match our party theme for girls to do while waiting for everyone to arrive. Thanks again.

  12. aesome coloring page
