McDonalds is giving away FREE merchandise to celebrate McDelivery on July 26

McDonalds McDelivery merchandise

When I first heard that McDonald's will be partnering with UberEATS to offer delivery service, I was excited. Finally, a way for people who can't get away from their desks or homes (I see you, stay-at-home moms with kids napping!) to enjoy their favorite Big Macs or McRibs! Now I'm even more excited because McDonald's will GIVING AWAY FREE McMerchandise on July 26 to celebrate! Think Big Mac onesies, Egg McMuffin hoodies, Quarter Pounder pillows and more. Go to on July 25 to see if your city is one of the lucky ones that will be participating in the freebie bonanza. The McDonald's delivery service via UberEATS starts July 26.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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