Enroll your child in Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp

British Soccer Camp

3Po and Jammy's dad is British, so it was practically predetermined that they would love soccer even before they were born! They've been kicking a ball around ever since they could toddle around, and it's the only sport that they really love to play and watch.

We always said that one of the things that would make us move to the UK would be all the opportunities available to play and watch soccer (football, that is). Our favorite teams play in the English Premier League every week, and with over 30,000 clubs registered in the UK, the boys would always have quality coaches and people who are just as passionate about the Beautiful Game as we are.
soccer bonggamom 3Po

Fortunately, soccer has really exploded in popularity here in the last 15-20 years. Everywhere we go, we see kids playing soccer, and we now follow our local team, the San Jose Earthquakes, with every bit as much passion as we follow Chelsea and Arsenal. We used to think the quality of play for kids was higher in the UK, but nowadays I'm not sure that's true anymore.

A couple of years ago we discovered British Soccer Camps and signed 3Po and Jammy up for their summer soccer programs. They were amazing! The camp locations and schedules are so convenient, they employ coaches from the UK and other countries, and the prices are so reasonable. Kids get all kinds of fun goodies like a free tshirt, soccer ball and poster. 3Po and Jammy learned so many skills during their time with British Soccer Camps, and they enjoyed all the drills and scrimmages.  At the end of the week, the coaches prepared a personalized skills assessment for each camper, and they went through not only their physical skills but also their team building skills and personal skills. I really appreciated how the coaches took their time to know the kids.  Best of all, they came home tired and slept well every single night!!


About Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp

British Soccer Camp is the most popular camp in North America - 150,000 campers! With an innovative curriculum that develops skills, speed and confidence in players ages 3-18, British Soccer Camps provide boys and girls with the rare opportunity to receive high-level soccer coaching from a team of international expert's right in the heart of their own community. In addition to teaching new skills and improving game performance, each British Soccer Camp provides lessons in character development, cultural education and is the most fun your child can have learning the sport they love!

Enroll you child in a British Soccer Camp today Enroll in British Soccer Camps Today! FREE Water Bottle with code: USFG16http://www.challengersports.com/britishsoccercampsmums.aspx

soccer bonggamom

Disclosure: As a blogger for US Family Guide I will be receiving a complimentary week of camp. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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