Color Me Rad comes to San Jose on March 12

Color Me Rad
Lately, 3Po and Jammy have been obsessed with their mile times. 3Po has gotten his time under 7 minutes, and Jammy's is just above 7, but they are determined to break 6 minutes by the time they move on to high school! They already do a lot of running on their soccer team, but I said that if they really want to see improvements in their mile times, they need to do some interval training, mixing up sprints and some longer distances.

To help motivate them to run, we've made it our goal to sign up for one or more fun runs this year, and the one they are most interested in is the Color Me Rad run, coming to San Jose on March 12. Miracle of miracles, they don't have any soccer games scheduled that weekend, so it looks like Color Me Rad is a go!!  They are so excited about the prospect of getting showered in color from head to toe as they run. It certainly makes every single kilometer an interesting experience! I think this is a great first run for anyone, any age, and any fitness level. The 5k distance is totally doable, and there will be so much going on, the run will be over before we even know it!

About Color Me Rad

Color Me RadColor Me Rad is loosely based on the Hindu Festival of Colors, otherwise known as Holi. The festive colors used are a sign of winter's end and spring's new beginnings. Or in the case of RAD; the color represents the end of lame runs and the beginning of fun runs.

Start out as clean as a newborn babe, and throughout the run, our volunteers will coat you with liquids, powders, and gels of blue, green, pink, purple, and yellow until your face, shirt, and body come out silkscreened like a tie-dyed hippie on the other side. Each section of the run adds a new explosion of color to your clean, painter's palate until you cross the finish line into a final blitzkrieg of color.

General registration is $35 ($40 after Feb 5), and it includes a race T-Shirt, RAD tattoo, a color pack, and a free Goo Guard phone case! Kids under 7 can run for free, but if you want your child to have their own shirt and color pack, it will cost $15.

Pricing increases on February 5, so sign up now at . Hope to see you there!!
Color Me Rad

Disclosure: I am receiving complimentary registration to Color Me Rad, courtesy of US Family Guide and Color Me Rad. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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