5 Reasons Renting Toys can make more sense than Buying New Toys

Pley toy rental service

One of the best things about the holidays is seeing my kids' faces light up with joy when they receive that toy they've been longing for as a present. One of the worst things about the holidays is realizing that I have to make room for a ton of new toys. Not only do we have 3 kids, but 2 of them have birthdays on December 30, so our house fills up with Christmas AND birthday presents!  And once the novelty wears off, half of the toys end up abandoned and forgotten.

The concept of renting versus buying has been around for a long time, but in the age of e-commerce, it has been showing up in many more industries besides homes, cars, and furniture. Consumers can now rent clothes, shoes, bags, even video games! So why not rent toys as well? That's the idea behind Pley, a toy rental service that lets members receive unlimited toys (one at a time) delivered directly to their door. Plans start as low as $19.99/month and all plans include free delivery and unlimited rentals.

Pley toy rental service

Renting toys can make so much more sense versus buying them. Here are five great reasons to rent toys instead of buy new toys:

1) Reduces cost
Buying new toys costs money. Renting them costs less.

2) Reduces clutter
When you own a lot of toys, you need space to store them all. With Pley, you send back toys once your child is done playing with them to make room for a new rental toy, so there are less toys to store.

3) Reduces waste
New toys always come with a lot of packaging. Also, there's bound to be a toy or two or ten that your child ends disliking, so it ends up gathering dust in the back of the closet.

4) Lets kids try a variety of toys
When you rent toys, your child can try any new toy he or she wants, without having to fork over the money for a new one. If your child doesn't like the toy, it's not a big deal, just return the toy!

5) Keeps kids interested
Done with that puzzle? Return it and get a new one!  Kids never have to get bored with their toys because they can always get a new one. They can look forward to a new toy whenever they're done with their current toy.

Check out Pley on the web and on Facebook. A Pley membership could be the best present your child receives this holiday season!

Pley toy rental service

Disclosure: This is a compensated post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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1 comment:

  1. We love Pley at our house too! It makes kids and parents happy. Win-win:-)
