Get ready for Game Day with P&G and Lucky Supermarkets

Procter & Gamble

It’s hard to believe the NFL season is already upon us! Families are gearing up for game day week after week, so Lucky Supermarkets and Procter and Gamble have you covered for all your game day party needs. Laundry essentials like Tide, Downy, and Bounce make sure you have clean, fresh towels in the guest bathroom and crisp, comfortable team gear to show your team’s pride. And, to help tackle that post-game mess, products like Dawn, Bounty, Cascade, Swiffer and Febreze have you covered.

This year, P&G is partnering with Lucky Supermarkets to bring NFL excitement and savings to shoppers, and to celebrate the partnership, San Francisco 49ers alumni Roger Craig made an appearance at the San Bruno Lucky Supermarket last week.
Procter & Gamble

I attended the event and it was amazing to see how beloved Roger still is among 49ers fans. The line to meet him seemed to last forever!
Procter & Gamble

Fans got to meet Roger, shake his hand, get his autograph, and pose for a photo.
Procter & Gamble Roger Craig, San Francisco 49ers

Even better, shoppers who purchased $40 worth of P&G products that day received a mini pink football signed by Roger!
Roger Craig, San Francisco 49ers

Look who's got her pink football, all ready for game day!
Roger Craig, San Francisco 49ers

Roger could not have been nicer to all his fans, young and old. Thank you to P&G for inviting me to such a fun event!
Roger Craig, San Francisco 49ers

How do *you* prepare for game day with Procter & Gamble products? Leave a comment below with your answer, and you'll be entered to win a special P&G prize package that includes:

· $25 Lucky Supermarket gift card
· Tide PODS
· Cascade Action Pacs
· Febreze Air Effects
· Pantene 2-in-1 Shampoo/Conditioner
· Crest Toothpaste

1 comment per person please! I'll draw a winner at random on October 31, 2015. Winner must have a US address. Good luck!

Disclosure: I received a prize package from P&G, via Blue Chip Communications, as a thank you for posting. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. Loads of Bounty to clear up spills and crumbs from over-excited, OTT celebrations.

    Loads of Charmin (ultra strong of course) to cater to the many fans crammed into my tiny living room.

    Febreze in place to make my place smelling great again after the party has cleared.

    And of course Pampers diapers for my 2 LOs to make sure they do not leak, at least during the duration of the game!

  2. Bounty to wipe up spills, Tide to wash the spills away from our football jerseys, Pantene to wash out the grease and smell of barbecued pork from my hair, Cascade to wash the dishes, Charmin in the bathroom!

  3. We just make sure we have enough on hand for our family of their products .Cascade Action Pacs is amazing on our dishes too.
