Join Thursday's #STEMchat and win a Texas Instruments graphing calculator!

It's back to school for my family, and back to STEM. 3Po and Jammy have entered middle school, and after a dull math year in 5th grade, they are so excited to be challenged in their math classes and striving to get into the advanced 7th grade math track next year.  The Pea has entered high school, and she's loving her Geometry Honors class! She decided against Bio Honors, opting for regular Bio so she wouldn't have to do 4 hours of homework every day. I fully supported her in this, and told her that she'll probably be happier next year with AP Physics, which has all the math she needs to challenge her! As a math geek myself, I couldn't be happier that my kids are ignoring the stereotypes about geeks and nerds in math and focusing on what challenges them and makes them happy. And as a parent, I can't help but feel hopeful that their love of math and science will open doors for them in STEM careers!

This Thursday, I'm excited and honored to be joining a group of STEM advocates and bloggers at a STEM-focused Twitter chat sponsored by Texas Instruments Education Technology. Join us on Twitter with hashtag #STEMchat to talk about STEM goals, attitudes about math and the impact of things like computer programming and the Maker Movement on the traditional math class. You could even win a TI-84 Plus CE color graphing calculator!

What: Back To School STEM chat

When: Thursday, Sept. 24 from 9-10 pm Eastern

Where: Twitter, use hashtag #STEMchat

Who: Moderator Kim Moldofsky (@KimMoldofsky and, possibly, @STEMchat), plus panelists Ana Picazo (@bonggamom), Emily Calandrelli (@TheSpaceGal), Jen Merrill (@LaughingatChaos), Kelly Kutach (@TIKellyK), Kris McDonald (@LittleTechGirl), and Peter Balyta (@PBalyta)

Why: Talk about all things STEM-related and win a TI-74 Plus CE color graphing calculator!

We're actually giving away 2 calculators, one during the Twitter chat and a second one in a special pre-STEMchat giveaway. Head over to Kim's giveaway post on The Maker Mom to enter!

You can also enter the giveaway below -- just make sure you review the requirements on Kim's post at The Maker Mom.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and I am a sponsored panelist for the Twitter chat. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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