Save $25 off tickets to Great America

California's Great America

School may be back in session, but as far as I'm concerned, summer's not over yet! That's the great thing about living in the Bay Area -- the weather stays warm and sunny right up to the end of fall.  That means families can go to California's Great America almost any time of the year!  So if you've been out all summer traveling or visiting family, it's not too late to have a great time at Great America!

Everyone in our family loves Great America, and we go every year. It's got over 70 rides, shows, and attractions, so my kids never get bored.  Now that they're older, they don't even need their old parents dragging them down -- they can even visit with their friends (in fact, our local middle school's 8th grade field trip is always to Great America!).

What with all the cool roller coasters....
California's Great America

.... and all the fun waterpark attractions at Boomerang Bay....
California's Great America

.... it's the best way to spend the day with the family!

California's Great America Planet Snoopy

Even little kids have plenty to enjoy.  In 2015, California's Great America expanded and rebranded the Planet Snoopy kids area. Three new Planet Snoopy rides were introduced, and the entire area known formally known as KidZville will be morphed into the expanded Planet Snoopy.

The new rides will include Joe Cool's Gr8Sk8, Peanuts 500 and Snoopy's Space Buggies. Gr8Sk8 will be an interactive ride atop Snoopy's giant skateboard with the feeling of going off the edge. Peanuts 500 lets racers zoom around the track and slingshot around the track ends, while Snoopy's Space Buggies will lift astronauts into the air for a gravity defying lunar landing. The park is much more child-oriented and Planet Snoopy is extremely vibrant with its new colors.

"Great America is known for its thrill rides, but we pride ourselves on a being a park for everyone. Enhancing Planet Snoopy and introducing three attractions parents can ride with children adds to our inclusive family atmosphere," said Great America Vice President and General Manager Raul Rehnborg.

California's Great America Planet Snoopy

Save $25 off Great America Tickets!!

Great news!  Bonggamom Finds readers can Save $25 off Tickets at California's Great America Theme Park!  Just use code: BLOG4CGA when purchasing tickets at

Disclosure: I am receiving free passes to Great America courtesy of  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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