Keep mosquitoes away with Stinger Mosquito Repellent Lantern

You may think that summer is almost over, but for us here in California, Indian Summer has just begun! We've actually been experiencing the hottest days yet. Facing 100+ degree temperatures in a house with no airconditioning is a challenge, to say the least. Fortunately, our house is naturally cool, and it's only in the evening when the house really bakes up -- just in time to let in the cool evening air.

Unfortunately, the evening hours bring another challenge -- mosquitoes!  You want to open up all the doors to let in the cool air, but you're also letting in the mosquitoes.  So, do you sweat or do you itch?  Fortunately, since reviewing the Stinger Mosquito Repellent Lantern, we no longer have to choose!

1) It looks nice. It's not some huge, plastic monstrosity! The lantern works with pretty much any outdoor decor scheme, and it emits a soft blue light that looks really nice in the fading daylight.

2) It smells nice. The citronella scent isn't too overwhelming,

3) It works!  We left our back door open yesterday to let the cool air in and placed a Stinger Mosquito Repellent Lantern by the doorstep, and we didn't see a single mosquito indoors.

The area covered is supposed to be 15 square feet, so don't expect it to drive mosquitoes away from your entire back yard, but it was the perfect size for guarding our back door.  If you have a larger area you want to protect, get a few more lanterns!

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information (in italics) is provided by the featured company/product. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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