Challenge yourself, American Ninja Warrior style at BattleFrog Tri-State

BattleFrog obstacle race

Our latest family TV obsession is American Ninja Warriors. Once a week we cheer on some of the fittest people on the planet as they try to make their way past some crazy obstacles and challenge themselves to push the limits of where the body can go. 3Po and Jammy have been so inspired by the competitors, they've begun practicing their pull-ups and pushups and monkey bar runs on the playground. Parkour is their latest obsession,and they love to scamper around the play structure at our local park. I'd love to take them to a parkour gym so they can take a shot at some of the (modified) obstacles that American Ninja Warrior would face!

How I wish the BattleFrog Tri-State Race were happening in our area!  BattleFrog is an obstacle race series designed by U.S. Navy SEALs.  The obstacles are designed to simulate the rigorous training that a Navy SEAL receives, but they are modified so athletes, weekend warriors, and yes, even families, can challenge themselves while having fun.

BattleFrog has races for every age:

TadPole Dash: The TadPole dash is for 4-8 year olds. The course has 8+ obstacles, through 400 meters, and is guaranteed to deliver a new experience of self-discovery. Children will learn they can take on these new and exciting challenges, while becoming “Fit for the Future”, getting totally muddy and having the time of their lives.

Navy SEALs run the race with the kids, motivating them, entertaining them, and helping them over the tough spots and inspire them with the spirit of never quitting, teamwork and always trying your best. Start a lifetime love of fitness and competition at the Tadpole Dash. 
BattleFrog obstacle race

BullFrog Mile: For your slightly older kids there is the BullFrog Mile. Your children can test themselves on at least ten of the full-size obstacles the top competitors tackle, but with a more manageable distance of one mile. Designed for kids ages 8 to 13, your kids can sample the mud crawls, climbing walls, slip and slides and our “boot camp” military fitness exercise. All with Navy SEAL motivation throughout the course as your kids work with other racers as an individual or on a team. The BullFrog Mile combines the right amount of challenge with the right amount of fun. 

BattleFrog 8K: The BattleFrog course is a total test for people of all fitness levels from ages 13 and up. Each step is inspired by the training that forges SEAL operators and prepares them to do anything, anytime, anywhere. The approximate 8K course will take you through 22+ SEAL-inspired obstacles that use air, land and water to test your body, mind and spirit. 

BattleFrog obstacle race

Finishers receive a banana, water, protein bar, and beer (if 21 and older). There's also a festival at the finish line with free wine tasting, beer for purchase, music, and portrait stations. How fun is that!  I know my kids would absolutely LOVE to do the BullFrog Mile!  And I'd love to challenge myself on the BattleFrog 8K. I'm not sure if I would be able to get up the next day, but I know I'd have a great time and I'd have the satisfaction of having set my mind to a goal and accomplishing it!

The Tri-State Battlefrog will be held on June 20, 2015 at New Jersey's Raceway Park in Englishtown, New Jersey.  Register at If you don't live near the Tri-State area, check out for more dates and locations!

BattleFrog obstacle race

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. Event info was provided by Xomad marketing. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm not athletic so I wouldn't participate in this. However, my 16 yoa son is an avid runner and athlete. He'd love to participate in something like this. Too bad it's so far away.
