Bedwetting Facts & Fallacies from GoodNites* TRU-FIT*

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for GoodNites* TRU-FIT*. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.

Can you spot the bedwetter in this photo? Of course you can't -- and that's because any kid can be a bedwetter. Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis, is a lot more common that you think, and many children who are fully potty trained have trouble holding their urine at night. Doctors don't really know what causes it, but theories include hormonal problems, bladder problems, sleep problems, and genetics. My husband was a bedwetter, and I guess he passed his weak bladder on to one of our kids. Fortunately the problem didn't last long. In fact, bedwetting usually goes away on its own, and 15 out of 100 kids who wet the bed will stop every year without any treatment at all.

While it's happening, though, bedwetting can be an embarrassing and upsetting experience, especially for older kids. Knowing the facts about bedwetting will help parents be more supportive and understanding and help get their kids through the bedwetting stage. Here are 3 fallacies that parents may have about bedwetting, and the facts to counter them:

Only babies wet the bed
Actually, bedwetting is a fairly common condition. According to a GoodNites® brand study, it’s estimated that 1 in 6 children between the ages of 4-12 in the United States suffer from nocturnal enuresis, more commonly known as bedwetting.

With training, bedwetting can be "cured"
The GoodNites® brand study also found that 43% of parents incorrectly believe that bedwetting can be “trained” out of a child.  Bedwetting is a medical condition.  Doctors and parents can suggest strategies to help the child cope, such as minimizing liquid intake before bed, and setting nighttime alarms to wake the child up and remind him to go to the bathroom. However, bedwetting is not something that the child can be trained out of.  The condition can be frustrating, but parents of bedwetters should remember that it is not the child's fault.

Kids who wet the bed have to wear diapers
If your child is a bedwetter, assure him that he does not have to go back to diapers! They don't have to suffer through soiled sheets and pajamas, either.   GoodNites® brand has developed a completely new kind of bedtime protection: GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear.

What is GoodNites* TRU-FIT*?  It's real underwear for boys and girls with a disposable, absorbent insert. The disposable insert helps keep PJs and sheets dry all night. The underwear looks and feels just like real underwear because it is real underwear, which means that kids can feel more confident about going on sleepovers with friends or cousins and feel like one of the gang (and their parents worry less!).

Check out the video below to see what moms have to say about GoodNites* TRU-FIT*:

GoodNites* TRU-FIT* is available now at select national retailers for purchase. The underwear is available in sizes S/M and L/XL, for boys and girls. The underwear comes with a disposable, absorbent insert – designed to protect sheets and PJs all night. Check out all the GoodNites* TRU-FIT* at Walmart, and download a GoodNites* TRU-FIT* coupon for $2 off at

Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for GoodNites* TRU-FIT*. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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