Share a Snug this Valentine's Day


There's no better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than with a hug!  No one knows better how to hug than Snuggle Bear, the Snuggle Fabric Softener mascot. He's so soft and cuddly, no one can resist giving him a hug full of love. There's even a term for it:  a Snug™!  This Valentine's Day, Snuggle Bear wants to share all his softness and love by encouraging people to Share a Snug in three ways:

1) Snug someone you love!  You can spread the love around even more by sharing a photo of your snug on social media with the hashtag #ShareASnug.

2) Send a Snuggle Valentine Video card, available on  You can choose from more than 400 names spoken by Snuggle Bear and five different video messages for friends and loved ones shareable on Facebook, Twitter, e-mail and accessible via desktop and mobile platforms.

3) Get on board the Snuggle Bus! Snuggle Bear will hit the streets of Manhattan on a SnugMobile to attempt a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS record title of the 'most hugs given by a puppet in eight hours' on Feb. 13, 2015. Snuggle Bear will make stops all over the city, including Times Square and Columbus Circle, to invite people on board the snuggly soft bus, to share a Snug, take a Snuggle selfie, and receive a free plush Snuggle Bear to take home. Follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to join in the Snugs.

On Valentine's Day morning I plan to snuggle up with my whole family in bed -- and it's going to smell extra sweet, thanks to the Snuggle samples I received!  I've washed all our sheets with new Snuggle Scent Boosters and they smell divine :)  How will you spend February 14 with your loved ones? Don't forget to give them a snug!


Disclosure: I received samples for review. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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