Giveaway: Play the Orkin Bed Bug Feud and win a CleanRest pillow encasement

Some people hate snakes. Others hate spiders. Others hate creepy crawlies. None of that bothers me. What keeps me awake at night is..... bed bugs. They really bug me!! I love to travel and there's nothing I enjoy more than sleeping in a new city every night. The problem is that new cities mean strange hotels, and strange hotels mean beds... and bed bugs! It doesn't even matter how fancy the hotel is: any hotel, from five-star resorts to budget motels, can have a bed bug infestation. I always check for bedbugs when I get into a hotel room, and whenever possible I use my own pillow with its own dust mite/lice/bedbug protective cover. Yes, I'm probably overly paranoid, but have you seen the photos of people with bed bug bites on the internet? It's not a pretty sight.

As far as I'm concerned, it's open war on bed bugs -- and I'm glad there are companies like Orkin who can provide the ammunition!  Orkin, uses the latest technology and unparalleled training to develop an effective treatment. To learn more about Orkin's pest control based in science or to schedule an inspection, visit or call 1-800-800-ORKIN. You can also follow Orkin on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Are you feuding with bedbugs? Play the Bed Bug Feud and beat the clock to make the leaderboard!

Win a CleanRest pillow encasement
Want to win a CleanRest pillow encasement to protect your pillow from bed bugs, dust mites, and other icky organisms? Play the game, report your score in the comments below, and enter my giveaway. Good luck!

Enter via Rafflecopter below. Giveaway ends 11:59 PST on February 18, 2015. I will draw a winner after that date and post their name once the winner has been confirmed and verified.  If the winner has won the same prize on another blog, he or she will not be eligible to win again. Continental US residents only. For more giveaway rules, click here.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Giveaway prize and product samples for review provided by Orkin . The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. I recommend checking out cracks and crevices for signs of infestation.

  2. Ugh...I got 80. I don't even know if that was good or bad; it was very confusing!

  3. My bed bug horror story is simply that I am absolutely horrified at the idea of sleeping with bed bugs! That is very, very close to my definition of hell.

  4. I putr a dryer sheet in between the mattress and boxspring as that is supposed to deter them.

  5. i don't have a bed bug story and hope to keep it that way! knock on wood
