More photos of Grace Thomas, American Girl of the Year 2015

Grace Thomas American Girl 2015

Each new year brings new beginnings, new opportunities, new adventures.... and a new American Girl doll!  Each year American Girl seems to bring out a doll that really resonates with girls, and this year is no exception. I feel a close kinship with this year's Girl of the  Year, Grace Thomas, because she loves to bake, and she loves to travel.  Paris is one of my favorite cities!  We were so excited when American Girl sent us Grace to review -- check out some photos of Grace below:

Like all American Girl dolls, Grace stands 18 inches tall, with molded face and limbs, and a soft body. She comes with a printed shirt, pink miniskirt, grey boots, a doll bracelet, and a book.
Grace Thomas American Girl 2015

Grace has a beautiful face, with blue eyes and a light dusting of freckles.
Grace Thomas American Girl 2015

Grace has long brown hair with a side braid and sideswept bangs. The Pea wants bangs like Grace!
Grace Thomas American Girl 2015

Grace's shirt is a screen-printed tee with a glittery Eiffel Tower design. One sleeve of the shirt has a Grace applique.
Grace Thomas American Girl 2015

Grace's grey suede boots look so stylish and comfortable. I wish they made those in adult sizes.
Grace Thomas American Girl 2015

Grace comes with a doll charm bracelet.  The charms symbolize the things that Grace loves: travel, the Eiffel Tower, cookies, her dog. The bracelet is a bit tricky to put on, but once it's on, it won't come off easily.  It looks great on Grace's wrist!
Grace Thomas American Girl 2015

I can't wait to dress Grace in different outfits and get her started with her baking!  We've made some adorable sweet treats out of polymer clay.  Stay tuned for future Grace Thomas posts and more photos.... and in the meantime, check out my photos of some of the Grace Thomas playsets at the American Girl store!

Disclosure:I received a sample for review. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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