Celebrate the holidays (and every day) with Marley Coffee

Marley Coffee holiday party

The best part about the holidays is getting together with family and friends!  In the midst of all the madness -- the shopping, the parties, the decorating -- it's important to take some time and relax in the company of the people you love.  I was so grateful to be able to connect with my blogging friends this holiday season over a good cup of coffee!  Marley Coffee invited me to a holiday party featuring their wonderful coffee and some fun crafts.

Marley Coffee holiday party

The party was held at my friend Cam's lovely home, which was brimming with holiday decorations, the smell of good coffee, and good cheer.
Marley Coffee holiday party

Cam and her co-host Nicole organized a fun holiday craft -- making hot cocoa test tubes!  It's so easy -- all you need is three plastic test tubes, hot cocoa mix, and hot cocoa embellishments like mini marshmallows, crushed peppermint candy and white chocolate chips.
Marley Coffee holiday party

Simply fill the first test tube with hot cocoa, then fill the other tubes with the yummy stuff that makes your hot cocoa special. I filled my second tube with mini marshmallows, then filled the third tube with alternating layers of white chocolate chips and crushed peppermint candy.  Once the tubes are full, tie them together with a red ribbon, and voila, you have a totally adorable and delicious stocking stuffer!
Marley Coffee holiday party

As we crafted and connected, we were treated to mugfuls of yummy Marley coffee. This artisan roasted coffee is sustainably grown and ethically farmed.  It's sold in single serve K-cups,  whole bean bags, and ground bean bags.
Marley Coffee holiday party

If you love coffee, Marley Coffee is heaven in a cup.  I'm not a regular coffee drinker but Marley Coffee could change my mind!  I loved my cup of Lively Up! espresso with peppermint flavored cream and a white chocolate peppermint swizzle stick!
Marley Coffee holiday party

Note to self -- next holiday season, stock up on white chocolate peppermint swizzle sticks, and learn how to knit so you can knit your friends adorable sweater mugs as presents!
Marley Coffee holiday party

Marley Coffee sent us home with some coffee samples and my newest favorite fashion accessory -- a new infinity scarf.
Marley Coffee holiday party

Thank you Cam, Nicole, and Marley Coffee for a fun, relaxing morning with food and friends!
Marley Coffee holiday party

Disclosure: I was invited to a blogger party by Marley Coffee and provided with samples, a goody bag and a gift card. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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