Find the perfect holiday photo card at Minted

holiday photo cards from Minted
We've reached a milestone in our holiday planning:  our photo for the annual holiday greeting card has been chosen!  This year we've decided to feature our visit to Stonehenge in the summer, because it showcases our love for traveling and our love for Stonehenge and its timelessness, much like our love for each other.  Also, we all look good in this photo!

Now, how do we showcase this photo in a way that will make our family and friends proud to display this on their holiday mantels, in the same proud way that we display theirs?  Why, go online to Minted, of course!  Their 2014 holiday card collection features hundreds of exclusive designs from indie designers all over the world in a variety of styles. Classic, modern, vintage, whimsical, bold, you name it.

I've been a fan of Minted and their premium cards for years.  I love how you can upload a single photo and see what it would look like on each and every card design in Minted's online portfolio.
holiday photo cards from Minted

You can customize your name and message on the front and inside of your card, using Minted's easy-to-use online tools.
holiday photo cards from Minted

Minted offers a choice of premium cardstock, in a variety of shapes and edges, such as scalloped edges or rounded corners.
holiday photo cards from Minted

Each design comes in a variety of color schemes, so you can choose the one you like best.
holiday photo cards from Minted

They even have square cards and round cards!
holiday photo cards from Minted

There are so many beautiful designs, I'm still not sure which one we'll choose.... but I'll be making my decision soon!  Stay tuned to see which one makes the final cut, and what the actual cards, look like!  Knowing Minted's reputation for quality, they will be exquisite.  I can't wait!

Disclosure: I will be receiving complimentary samples to facilitate my review. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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