23 Blast in Theaters Nationwide

Would you rather be blind from birth, or become blind in an accident? That's a questions I've asked myself and my friends ever since I was a little girl.  The thought of never knowing what seeing is like was terrifying, but not so terrifying as the thought of losing my sight after having it.  I always chose the "blind from birth" option.

Last Friday a movie opened in theaters that resurrected that old childhood fear -- and it tells the story of a person who faced that exact same fear, and faced it with so much more courage than I would have!

23 Blast is based on the amazingly true story of Travis Freeman, who was a typical teenager growing up in a small town in Kentucky. Travis is a local hero on and off the field. In the fall of 1997, in the prime of his youth, he is unexpectedly stricken with an infection that destroys his optic nerve. He becomes blind overnight. Under the influence of parents who love him, a physical therapist who challenges him, a coach who inspires him, and a best friend who he cannot bear to leave behind, Travis shows us what true bravery is by competing on the gridiron, helping his team advance to the State playoffs.

The story of Travis and Jerry Baker, his closest friend, from the time they meet on the football field as kids through high school, is sure to leave audiences in awe -- the guy actually PLAYED on the team! -- and in tears.  I can't wait to see it.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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