School lunches are easy and fun with Glad's Designer Series TMNT Mini Rounds

Glad TMNT mini containers

I pack lunch for my kids and husband every single weekday (okay, I do let them buy lunch on Pizza Fridays now and then, but the overwhelming majority of their school lunches come from home). I try to minimize the amount of disposable packaging we use, so we have a ton of reusable food containers on hand,  My favorite ones are the plastic Glad containers -- they are microwave safe, freezer safe, and dishwasher safe, and you can put just about any kind of food in them.  Best of all, they are so inexpensive, I don't go all crazy when my kids lose their lunch containers or accidentally throw one in the trash!

I'm perfectly happy with the Glad's basic clear-and-blue containers, but I have to say, I'm loving the new colors and patterns on some of their newer product lines!  Their latest one is a sure hit with kids, because it features the popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the stars of this summer's blockbuster hit.  Just in time for back-to-school, Glad's Designer Series Mini Rounds has Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Rafael, and Donatello printed on the containers.
Glad TMNT mini containers

These mini rounds can hold just the right portion size for a healthy snack.  They're perfect for packing cereal, tomatoes, carrots, pepper strips, crackers, hummus, grapes, rasins, cranberries, blueberries, hummus, yogurt, salsa, salad dressing, and so many other things into your child's lunch box!
Glad TMNT mini containers

I love that these containers are exactly the same size and shape as Glad's basic Mini-Rounds.  You can stack the TMNT rounds along with the basic kind, and interchange lids, so you don't need a separate pile for each kind.
Glad TMNT mini containers

Disclosure:  I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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