Use social networking to help raise money for your child's team with

With 2 parents who love soccer, it was almost inevitable that 3Po and Jammy would play soccer. they started when they were about 2, when they would sit on the sidelines as their big sister played soccer with her kindergarten friends. The Pea's coach saw how eager the boys were to play, and bless his heart, he let them join. At that time, the soccer ball reached above their knees!  They haven't stopped playing since.   They have been playing on a competitive team for three years now, and they love it. soccer dominates our weekends, both on tv (watching the English Premiere League) and in real life (playing league games and tournaments).  They love it so much, and they say they want to play soccer professionally!  Even though they may never play in a professional league (or on a college team, even!), soccer is teaching them so much about dedication, teamwork, sportsmanship, and hard work.

Right now, soccer is the boys' only after school activity. It's a big investment in both time and money! We have to pay for uniforms, player registration fees, tournament fees, even teambuilding events like an end-of-year pizza party!  It can be difficult to find the money for the team, but guess what, there's a new company that makes it easy for teams to raise money by using the social networks of the team parents and their friends.  Pear is a social engagement platform that helps groups earn sponsorships from brands – for free.· Pear matches up sponsors with groups and organizations within the communit
Pear works as the middleman to help connect sponsors and groups in need.· Pear helps the group leader create a Pear, and the group leader invites others to join.· A dedicated community manager at Pear will help groups get the most money from their Pear.· Groups earn sponsorship money by creating a Pear for their group and sharing with others who complete digital incentives to earn more money.

Here's a video with more details on how works:

Sponsorships can come in various forms, such as fundraising donations, food donations, shirt donations, and more.  One item that every team needs is a set of uniforms.  It helps with team morale and it looks great on the field! If your child's team needs uniforms, you're in luck!  Safeskin Sport Wraps & First Aid Tape has joined as a sponsor, offering up to $1,000 towards custom t-shirts for qualifying teams on Here's what you have to do:
  • Sign your child's team up at
  • Each team member completes a series of social network actions on behalf of Safeskin -- things such as liking Safeskin on Facebook, following Safeskin on Instagram or signing up for an email. For every step team members complete, they'll get dollars towards their goal.
  • Team members have 10 days to complete their online tasks.  At the end of the 10-day period, the team can claim an online certificate for whatever amount was earned by the whole team.
Does your child's team already have uniforms?  You can always support another team, like the Coweta Soccer Club!  All over the country, there are teams looking for sponsors via PearUP, and it only takes a few minutes of your time to engage with brands and help the teams out.

It's easy and it's free.  What a great way to keep the team spirit alive on the field and off the field!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, courtesy of Global Influence.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing Pear with your readers. We really appreciate it! :)
