Filter your drinking water 10X faster with the CamelBak Relay pitcher

Do you ever get irritated when you find your water pitcher empty?  This happens to us constantly, and it drives Alfie crazy.  He's constantly having to refill the pitcher himself, no matter how many times he tells the kids to refill it when they empty it.  I don't think he'd mind so much, but it always seems to happen when he wants to pour himself a cup of tea -- but has to wait for ages before the water is filtered and he can finally pour some of it into the kettle!  So when CamelBak sent us a sample of their new Relay Water Filtration Pitcher, we set out to compare it against our current pitcher.  Check out our video below comparing the filtration speeds!

The Basics

CamelBak Relay is an innovative water filtration pitcher that filters water at the speed of your faucet, saving time and eliminating the common frustrations with products currently on the market.

CamelBak listened to consumer’s complaints about the water filtration pitchers currently on the market (it’s slow, the lid falls off, it spills on my counter, etc.) and decided to do something about it. CamelBak Relay filters water 10X faster than the leading competitor, the filter lasts twice as long, the locking-lid gives a controlled pour and it filters twice; once as you fill and again as you pour. No more waiting 10+ minutes for your water to filter (drip, drip drip), life changing.

The Bongga

The CamelBak Relay really does filter water so much faster than any other pitcher I've seen!  We did a little test earlier today to prove it, with Jammy pouring 2 cups of water into the Relay and 3Po pouring 2 cups of water into our regular pitcher.  The Relay filtered the 2 cups of water in less than 20 seconds, pretty much as quickly as Jammy poured it in.  As for our regular pitcher, it took so long that I finally stopped the recording (too boring!).

Here are a few other things I like about the CamelBak Relay:

  • It's top-rack dishwasher safe.
  • The main body is made of a single piece of plastic, so there are no little crevices for dirt and molds to get stuck in.
  • It's 100% BPA-Free
  • Spill-proof locking lid prevents leaks when filling or pouring

The Blah

2 things I'm not too fond of:

  • The Relay uses double filter technology that allows you to filter your water as you fill and again as you pour. I'm not so sure I like this.  It makes the pouring speed slower, which is actually great when little kids are pouring water (it doesn't rush out all at once and spill all over the kitchen counter), but not so much when I'm impatient for my glass of water.  Besides, why filter water that has already been filtered?  

  • The design of the pouring spout means that I have to hold the pitcher practically upside down in order to pour out the last drops of water.

  • The snap-on lid doesn't always snap on properly (note: the instructions do warn about this and say it will get easier as time goes on).  

One other thing to note, the filters may seem expensive -- $12 for a single filter and $28.50 for a pack of 3 filters -- but they last about twice as long as filters for most other brands (which cost about $7 for a single filter and $30 for a 6-pack), so the cost actually works out to be the tiniest bit cheaper.

The Bottom Line

For Alfie, nothing matters as much as pouring speed, and he's 100% in favor of dumping our old pitcher and switching to the CamelBak Relay!

Disclosure: I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information (in italics) is provided by CamelBak. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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