Be safe and positive online, join the #ShareAwesome campaign with National PTA & Lifelock

baby photos

To share or not to share?  That is the question.  I've been grappling with that question ever since I started blogging in 2006.  All my blogging focused on my kids, and of I wanted to share all of their funny sayings, their beautiful artwork, their cute photos.  Just a few months after I began blogging, I decided to use pseudonyms for me and everyone else in my family.  It took me a bit longer to nix the embarrassing baby photos and embarrassing stories (I don't want my kids or my husband to be angry and embarrassed about anything on my blog!).

baby photos
But there's always a gray area that I struggle with.  Nude baby photos are out, but what about diaper photos or underwear photos?  In February 2007, to celebrate 3Po's and Jammy's move to big boy pants, I posted a photo of them in their undies.  I thought they looked adorable in their Calvin Klein boxers but I was uncomfortable enough to block out their faces.  Everyone has a different comfort level when it comes to sharing, but safety has to be where you draw the line.

Now that everyone is on social media, making good choices about what to share and what not to share is more important than ever. We want our kids to enjoy the benefits of social media and be able to share their lives with friends near and far -- but we also want them to know that such an awesome tool comes with responsibilities. I always tell my kids that what they share online lasts forever. Even deleting a photo is no guarantee -- anyone can take a screenshot.  Anyone can save files to a disk.  They never use their real names.  They are never allowed to share names or places when they chat online. They are never allowed to post contact information on their profiles. They are never allowed to share their passwords (except with their us, their parents).

To find out more ways to be safe and positive online, National PTA has partnered with LifeLock in the #ShareAwesome campaign.  The campaign seeks to build an understanding among parents and students that no matter the device, the app or the networking site – the skills we need to be safe and positive online are similar to what you need offline.  Today’s families use digital technology in every aspect of life – from learning and socializing, to gaming and shopping! Broad access and use of technology is awesome – and opens so many new opportunities for so many students. But like any aspect of life, there are things you need to know to make positive, safe decisions.

Here's what you can do to participate:
* Visit the #ShareAwesome website at

* Take the #ShareAwesome quiz.

* Take the pledge to #ShareAwesome.

* Snap a photo of an awesome moment in your day and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the #ShareAwesome hashtag!

* Students who enter the #ShareAwesome contest between September 15 – November 30, 2014 will have a chance to win fantastic prizes!

#ShareAwesome on Instagram

More about the #ShareAwesome contest
The #ShareAwesome contest invites social media users to share a smart and safe decision, uplifting accomplishment, or positive action for the good of others using hashtag #ShareAwesome on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Students who enter a photo between September 15 – November 30, 2014 will be eligible to win fantastic prizes! Visit to learn more.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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