Nonni's Biscotti Bites

Nonni's Biscotti Bites
Nonni's Biscotti is, without a doubt, my favorite biscotti brand.  They won me over with their crunchy, chewy Salted Caramel Biscotti.  The caramel provided just the right amount of chewiness to counteract the inherent dryness of the biscotti, the chocolate provided the rich, sweet taste, and the salt provided the perfect sharp flavor contrast.  The only problem I've had with Nonni's Salted Caramel biscotti is breaking them into even pieces to share with my kids and husband!  (yes, unfortunately I do have to share).

Fortunately, Nonni's has solved that problem with the introduction of Nonni's Biscotti Bites. These bite-sized pieces of heaven come in 3 flavors -- Almond Dark Chocolate, Very Berry Almond, and Double Chocolate Salted Caramel -- and are the perfect size for sharing and for controlling your portions.

Nonni's Biscotti Bites

Each piece is light and crunchy, with one end dipped in a yummy coating (chocolate for the Almond Dark Chocolate and for the Double Chocolate Salted Caramel, and yogurt for the Very Berry Almond), and each piece is sweet, but not too sweet.  They taste great dunked into coffee, hot cocoa, or tea!  My family went wild for this, so I'll definitely be buying more.  Everyone liked all 3 flavors, but our favorite (except for Alfie) was the Double Chocolate Salted Caramel. Alfie has to watch his sodium, so there was just too much salt in it.  He went for the Almond Dark Chocolate.  The Very Berry Almond flavor was a very close runner-up, because it made a refreshing taste change from the chocolate, and the yogurt and berries gave such a nice chewy contrast to the crunchy biscuit.  I highly recommend buying all 3 flavors to see which one you like best!

Disclosure:I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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