Peeps Minis: small size, giant flavor

Peeps Minis

When it comes to candy, I'm a sucker (pun not intended) for gummy candy, fruit chews, and caramels.  I love the sweet taste and chewy sensation!  You'd think that I'd also be a big fan of Peeps, but to be perfectly honest, Peeps have never been my style.  I love marshmallows in smores and rocky road, but I don't really look forward to popping a marshmallow into my mouth.

Until now.

Peeps recently introduced a mini version of their popular marshmallow chicks -- Peeps Minis -- and I'm hooked! When Peeps sent us a sample, my original plan was to let the kids gobble them up and tell me how they liked them.  I was fairly certain they would love it, and I was right, but when we opened up the bags (Peeps Minis come in resealable bags, which I really love), the smell that wafted up was so heavenly, I just had to try it.  Not until I popped a Peeps mini chick into my mouth did I realize what all the fuss about Peeps is all about.   They are great!
Peeps Minis

I think my previous objections to Peeps have always stemmed from 3 factors:  I don't like the squishy texture when I bite into a Peep, I don't like the sugar coating, and I don't really like eating marshmallows by themselves.  Peeps Minis takes care of all that.  You can pop one straight into your mouth.  The sugar coating seems finer than the sugar coating of regular sized Peeps.  Best of all, Peeps Minis come in 3 great flavors:  Chocolate Creme, Strawberry Creme, and Sour Watermelon!
Peeps Minis

I like all 3 flavors (I didn't expect to like the Chocolate Creme, but it actually tastes like a creamy chocolate milkshake), but my far-and-away favorite is the Sour Watermelon.  It's not too sour, and it has that familiar watermelon candy taste.
Peeps Minis

I think Peeps Minis are waaay better than regular Peeps, and not just because they taste better.  The resealable bag and bite-sized pieces help minimize the sticky mess. And I love how the Peep is lime green on the outside and pink on the inside, just like a watermelon!  Due to their small size, they don't always end up looking like mini chicks (a few of the squashed ones end up looking like fat little worms!), but they're still adorable.  I'm not sure whether I should bless Peeps or curse them for giving me yet another candy to crave, but they're like kittens on the internet: after one look at these itty bitty bites of sweetness, who wouldn't melt?

Disclosure:  I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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