New Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus: "Ironed" clothes, without the work

New Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus
Even though I work part-time, I'm technically the stay-at-home parent, so most of the traditional "housewife" duties have fallen to me.  I cook, clean (sort of), do carpool duty, and do the laundry.  But the one thing I will NOT do is ironing.  Alfie is a stickler for perfectly ironed clothes, so he irons his own stuff.  As for the rest of us, I only iron out the worst wrinkles, so the kids and I go out in wrinkled clothing quite often.  I detest having to slave over a hot iron!

I've heard of wrinkle release sprays for quite some time now, but I've never actually used them until I got an offer from Downy to try out New Downy Wrinkler Releaser Plus.  Now that The Pea is a teenager, she cares a lot more about how her clothes look, and I get way too many requests to iron her clothes!  I figured it was time to see if New Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus could actually save me a lot of work.

The Basics
When the kids are out of school and wreaking havoc on the house every day, what parent has time to get out the ironing board, wait for the iron to heat up and then iron an outfit in the morning? Finding time to shower and brush your teeth is hard enough. This summer when your linen, cotton and lightweight summery shorts and shirts are a wrinkly mess instead of ironing, you can simply spray the wrinkles away with the new Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus. Spray it on clothes, give them a tug to loosen wrinkles and then smooth them flat. As your clothes dry the wrinkles will magically disappear.

The Bongga
WOW.  This stuff actually works!!!  Just spray, tug the fabric to stretch it a bit, and smooth it flat.  I tried New Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus on linen, cotton, and stretch cotton (the fabrics that seem to wrinkle the most), and the results were great.   Check out how much better my fine cotton cardigan looks:
New Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus

Here's close-up of another section of my cardigan.  As you can see, the wrinkles are pretty bad in the "Before" shot, but New Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus took care of the worst.  Note, this is still not a perfect substitute for a hot iron.  You'll have to drench the fabric (see the wet spots in the "After" photo where I was a bit too trigger-happy?) to really get rid of the deepest wrinkles -- which means your clothes will smell like fabric freshener.  But it does make the difference between going out looking like a wrinkled mess, and looking presentable.
New Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus

By the way, Downy Wrinkle Releaser is not just for clothes!  Here are some other uses:
  • remove creases from holiday ribbons
  • remove creases from tablecloths, cloth napkins, and drapes
  • remove odors from furniture, pet beds, and infant car seats
  • eliminate static cling from clothes

The Blah
I'm not a big fan of scented anything, so I wish they made an unscented version.

The Bottom Line
Downy Wrinkle Releaser has officially joined my list of laundry closet staples.  Finally, I can tell The Pea to "iron" her own clothes!  And I can remove the worst of the wrinkles in my own clothes, with minimal effort.

Disclosure: I received a product sample for review. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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