Cool down anytime, anywhere with Pillow Cool

Carex Pillow Cool

We just had our first Super-Hot Summer weekend -- that is, a summer weekend with temperatures above 100 degrees!  To make matters worse, 3Po and Jammy played THREE soccer games this weekend.  It was hard to see them run and play while the temperature gauge went as high as 105.  There was a slight breeze, but that actually made it worse because it was like the "breeze" from a hot blow dryer.  We slathered them with sunscreen, kept them in the shade whenever they weren't playing, and gave them lots of water to drink -- but that didn't change the fact that we all felt like we were standing in an oven.

Enter a cool new product that really helped the boys cool down: Carex Pillow Cool.  Pillow Cool is a self-cooling pillow insert that helps with those hot summer nights -- but they've actually helped us even more during hot summer days.
3Po and Jammy seem to run hot 365 days out of the year (the only time they don't wear shorts is when it's snowing), so they were the ideal test subjects for my Pillow Cool review.  You can slip Pillow Cool into your pillowcase, but the boys didn't care for the "swishy" sound the vinyl makes as they move their head from side to side, so they've actually been using their Pillow Cool inserts to cool down after their soccer practices and games!  You can almost see their flushed red faces cool down to normal when they stick their Pillow Cool inserts into their shirts.  You don't have to refrigerate or freeze Pillow Cool beforehand, which is great because we always forget to return our ice packs to the freezer.  It's also great to have at home, because we don't have air conditioning.

The vinyl material that encloses the cooling gel is pretty thick, so I'm hopeful that it won't crack or tear any time soon.  Also, Pillow Cool doesn't come with any care instructions, so we've been wiping it clean with a non-toxic cleaning spray and damp sponge.

Pillow Cool is available at Bed, Bath and Beyond, WalMart, Amazon, and other retailers for about $25.

Disclosure:  I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. Product information (in italics) is provided by Carex PillowCool.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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