Color your world with Duncan Hines Blue, Pink, and Spring Velvet cake mixes

Duncan Hines pink blue spring velvet cake mix

The schoolyear is almost at an end, and we have a ton of end-of-year parties coming up: class picnics, 5th grade graduation, PTA, and soccer club!  I want to bake some nice desserts but really don't have the time, so I'm turning to Duncan Hines for the easiest, prettiest cakes ever!  I received samples of their Signature Pink Velvet, Signature Blue Velvet, and Limited Edition Spring Velvet Cake mixes, and couldn't wait to try them out, but The Pea got to them first.  She was ecstatic when she saw the boxes!

Usually, in order to bake a multicolored cake, you have to mix up lots of batter, divide it up, and color each portion.  I only have one mixer, so that's a lot of bowls and spatulas to wash!  With these Duncan Hines cakes, you just bake each color in a separate pan (or pour half of each color into the same pan, and swirl a knife through the batter for a swirled effect).  If you don't want a big cake, the Spring Velvet cake mix is even better -- one box contains both pink velvet and yellow velvet cake mix!

This was The Pea's very first attempt at a layer cake.  I didn't help her at all, and I think she did a great job!  Even though it definitely looks a beginner's cake, the colors make it look so pretty :)  And it certainly didn't taste like a beginner's cake!  It was really moist and fluffy, tastewise, the cake did not have that hint of chocolate that I was expecting (since I assumed it would be like red velvet cake, just blue/pink/yellow colored).  Still, the cake tasted great, more like a yellow cake.  This would be great for bundt cakes, sheet pudding cakes, cake pops, or cupcakes.  I think I know what I'll be making for all those parties next week!

Disclosure:  I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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