Generate buzz with AdvoWire

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When you're a small business, getting the word out about all the great things you do isn't easy.  You'd love some word-of-mouth around your neighborhood, and you'd love some buzz about your business online, but it seems like a catch-22: in order to generate buzz, you need people talking about you, but you're just starting out and you don't know many people..

That's where AdvoWire can help.  They can help you create and launch a campaign to generate buzz for your business through social media shares.  AdvoWire can tap in to a network of influentials on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms!  It's a win-wind because those Advocates are also rewarded as they share your message to their audiences.  AdvoWire provides detailed engagement and conversation reporting so you can track and monitor the progress of your campaign.  AdvoWire can help generate buzz for:

Businesses looking to promote their services
Businesses or individuals who are selling something online
Spreading the word about events or conferences
Spreading the word about deals or discounts
Generating buzz about a band's latest album
Crowdfunding a project

With AdvoWire, you get to set your targets (audience, industry, region, timeline, etc..).  You get to specify content for each social media outlet you want to leverage.  And you get to set a budget that you'd like to spend.  For more details, go to AdvoWire, and see how AdvoWire can help you!


Disclosure: This is a compensated post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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