Captain America: The Winter Soldier opens in theaters today

Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Marvel fans, it's time to strap on that shield and pull on that mask, because Captain America is back!  Chris Evans reprises his role as America's first superhero in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which opens in theaters today.  I had the pleasure of watching an advanced press screening a few days ago, so I can tell you now, watching this movie is a  Must-Do item on your Spring Break list!

Captain America 2 starts out where the Avengers movie left off.  A traitor has infiltrated SHIELD, and someone is trying to kill a certain well-known SHIELD agent (I won't say which one!).  Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, joins forces with Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, to figure out who's behind it, and why.  Captain America and Black Widow end up being hunted by SHIELD as they try to hunt down the assassin, a mysterious figure known as the Winter Soldier.

For a superhero movie, Cap 2 has quite a lot of plot twists and turns, with at least 3 people whom you thought were dead coming back to life.  The level of intrigue makes it almost like a spy thriller, that kept us on the edge of our seats, trying to figure out whom to trust, whom not to trust, and who the heck that Winter Soldier could be.

Some of my favorite things about the movie:

I was so psyched to see Marvel featuring another superhero of color in a blockbuster movie: The Falcon, played by Anthony Mackie (the first being James Rhoades aka Iron Patriot, played by Don Cheadle in Iron Man 2).

I loved seeing SHIELD agent Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) take on a larger role in this movie and show audiences just how amazing he is.  His action scene in the coolest car ever was one of my favorite scenes in the movie.

Scarlett Johansson is as badass as ever, it's so great to see a strong female character in a superhero movie!  That said, I like the romantic tension between Black Widow and Captain America -- and I like it even more that despite the tension, they keep things platonic.

Robert Redford as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.?  Brilliant.

My movie date for the night, Jammy, gives Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2 thumbs up!  I have to agree.  I'm so glad I watched it -- and since I have 1 other superhero movie-mad son, I'll probably end up watching it again -- and I certainly don't mind one bit.  Don't miss it!

About the movie
After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Marvel’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” finds Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off assailants sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.

Based on the ever-popular Marvel comic book series, first published in 1941, Marvel’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” is produced by Kevin Feige, p.g.a., directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, from a screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely, and stars Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, Frank Grillo, Emily VanCamp and Hayley Atwell, with Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.

Disclosure: I was invited to an advanced media screening of the movie. Plot information (in italics) is provided by the Disney via Allied Integrated Marketing. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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