Discovery Girls Guide to Growing Up: review and giveaway

Growing up is tough.  I've been through it once, and that was enough!  Getting through 11, 12, and 13 is not an experience that I'm in any hurry to repeat.  The Pea is halfway through puberty (she'll be 13 in a couple of months), and even though she knows her dad and I are always there to talk with her about it (and we do!), I know there are lot of things she'll want to share only with her friends, or things she wants to work through on her own.  Even if she's not coming to me for answers, I want to make sure she gets all the right information -- so I'm really glad that the editors of Discovery Girls Magazine have published a new guide to help girls through puberty:  The Discovery Girls Guide to Growing Up.

About the book
Discovery Girls Guide to Growing Up gives girls reliable facts and helpful tips about what’s going on inside their bodies and what to expect next, all written in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Most puberty books just cover the physical changes, but this one also teaches girls how to handle their emotions, have strong self-esteem, and love their bodies so they’ll be confident, empowered, and ready for all the challenges of puberty. Filled with real stories, interesting statistics, and fun illustrations, Discovery Girls Guide to Growing Up is the perfect gift for every tween girl.

Here's an image of the table of contents of the Discovery Girls Guide to Growing up.  The book covers pretty much everything that girls will experience during puberty, from physical changes to mental and emotional changes.

The book is written in a style very similar to the Discovery Girls magazine: photos of real girls, cute illustrations, easy-to-read articles, fun quizzes, Q&A sections, with useful tips and interesting facts scattered throughout.

Here's a sample of useful tips found in the book.  Even I can learn from this book!
How to Measure Your Bra Size
How to Use a Tampon
Best Ways to Relieve Cramps
The Do's and Don'ts of Skin Care

One of the most unique things about this book (and one of my favorite things about it) is the real-life perspective given by real girls.  Discovery Girls magazine has been talking to tween and teen girls for years, and for this book, they have gathered a group of girls to act as a junior editorial board.  The girls helped keep the content readable and relevant -- if those girls liked the book, there's a good chance that your tween will like it too!  The book contains lots of quotes from those girls, dishing out about topics such as:

What they love about their bodies
Body Hair
Growing Up
Getting My First Bra
Getting My First Period
Tampons vs. Pads
Feeling Emotional
Dealing with Acne

Being able to read other girls' experiences is great, because it helps girls feel like they're not alone!  Getting through puberty is difficult enough!

Win a copy of Discovery Girls Guide to Growing Up
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will receive a copy of the Discovery Girls Guide to Growing Up.

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Leave a comment on this post and share a challenging issue you faced when growing up.

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The Rules
This giveaway ends at 11:59PM PST on Feb 6,  2014; I will draw a winner at random on Feb 7and post their name after they confirm acceptance. Continental US residents only. For additional giveaway rules, click here.

Disclosure: Thank you to Discovery Girls for providing a copy for review and another copy to give away. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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  1. Issues I faced with a houshold of five kids was learning anything beforhand...!

  2. Issue I faced growing up was not having all the "in" clothes.

  3. I also entered the Ricola giveaway

  4. Entered the $50 grocery gift card giveaway

  5. This would be perfect for my 11yo daughter.
    When growing up I was frustrated that all my friends were developing much faster than me. I felt left out. If I had something like this to help me, it may have been easier!

  6. My mother was 40 when I was born so she found it hard to talk about things to me. Mostly gave me books and pamphlets.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  7. Congratulations to the winner: #10, moushka!
