Crispy Green's Crispy Fruit freeze-dried fruit slices

freeze dried fruit snacks
I received samples to review

Everyone makes New Year's resolutions, and one of the most common resolutions people make is to lose weight, eat better, or get healthier.  Gyms and exercise classes and running trails see a swell in attendance -- but sadly, a lot of this beginning-of-the-year enthusiasm fizzles out, sometimes as early as February!  The key is making small, manageable, and sustainable changes.  For example, instead of cutting out all refined sugar from  your diet, why not focus on eating healthy sweets like fruit, and save the cupcakes for special occasions (and when I say special occasions, I don't mean bi-weekly celebrations!).

Fruit is really one of the easiest ways I've found to satisfy my sweet tooth. I love fresh fruit, but it can be a pain to carry around on car trips or to pack in my kids' snacks or lunches.  A great alternative is freeze dried fruit like Crispy Green's Crispy Fruit -- it's 100% fruit in a convenient pouch. It's not messy or juicy or sticky.  It's just as sweet and delicious as fresh fruit (because it is fruit!).  And it has a wonderful crispy crunch that really tricks your mind into thinking you've had junk food!  My kids love it, and so do I.  I'm particularly impressed with their mango flavor.  Being from the Philippines, I'm really picky about the mangoes I eat, and the Crispy Fruit mango is nice and sweet, not sour at all.  I'm on the lookout for the Asian Pear variety and the latest one, Tangerine -- and I'm prepared to clean out the shelves when I find them!

Disclosure: . I received a product sample to facilitate my review, but have not been paid to review the product or give my opinions. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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