Dream Big with Konica Minolta's Dream Printer

I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting (#MC) on behalf of Konica Minolta. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Children are our future, and the future can only be as big as they dream it to be!  But somewhere along the way, their "I want to save the world" and "I want to get rid of hunger" dreams turn into "I want to score a goal this Saturday" and "I want to pass my algebra exam".  There's nothing wrong with little dreams, but we want to keep those big dreams alive too!  How else did we get a man on the moon, and how else did we end up with the power of a supercomputer in an itty-bitty phone?

Every child needs a dream and a goal to sustain them through hard times, so it's wonderful to see business tech and printing company Konica Minolta encouraging big dreaming with their “Giving Shape to Ideas” initiative.  As part of the initiative, they created a "Dream Printer", and set it in a park where children were playing.  Kids were prompted to share what they wanted to be when they grew up and drop their papers in a slot.  Unbeknownst to them, an artist was hidden inside the "printer" who read each child's dream and drew a portrait of the child as their future self.

Moments later, each child collected from the printer a customized drawing of themselves in their future profession, from police officers to veterinarians.

How cool is that?  I watched the Dream Printer video, and the happy expressions on the kids' faces were priceless!  Check out the video below, and keep encouraging your own children to dream big!

Disclosure: I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting (#MC) on behalf of Konica Minolta. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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1 comment:

  1. Sometimes in my work as a caricaturist, I'm asked to do a job that's a little unusual. As the guy drawing the kids inside the "box" here, I have say this video job beat them all. But it was fun nevertheless.

