Be impressed with photo holiday cards from SimplyToImpress

If you haven't ordered your holiday photo cards yet, TODAY IS THE DAY -- and is the place!  They have a great Cyber Monday deal offering 20% off plus free shipping with promo code BESTDEAL2013.  And if you have any doubt whatsoever that you're not getting the best deal, just check out how the cards I ordered from them turned out:

THEY ARE GORGEOUS!  I'm so happy with them!  The cardstock was nice and thick, and the layout and printing were exquisite.  It's no accident these cards turned out so nicely:  a few days after I placed my order, SimplyToImpress emailed me with a proof of my cards, and suggested that I change one of the photos because the resolution was too low and it might not print out as nicely as they would like.  They also offered the option to change all the photos in the layout, so I completely redid the photo layout -- and it turned out to be far nicer than my original design!  I really appreciate all the effort they went through, because I ended up with a beautiful holiday card that I'm proud to send to my friends and family.

What's more, soon after I received my cards, I received a second box of cards, exactly like the first.  I was completely puzzled because I hadn't ordered more -- until I read the note inside.  A few customers had seen white spots on their cards, and they traced it to a malfunctioning printer.  Rather than just replace the cards for those customers, SimplyToImpress decided to replace cards for all the customers whose cards had been printed in that batch!  They wanted to make absolutely sure that all their customers were satisfied.  I am sooo impressed with SimplyToImpress -- their designs, their quality, and most of all, their customer service.  I truly believe that if there's anything at all about your cards that doesn't meet your expectations, they will work round the clock to fix it!  Great job, SimplyToImpress!

Disclosure: I received complimentary cards to review.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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