Be a Change Agent this holiday season with Each Mind Matters

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for the California Mental Health Services Authority.  I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

The holidays are almost here, and this year we have a special reason to be thankful: Alfie's parents are coming to visit!  We haven't spent Christmas with his mum and dad since the twins were born, almost 10 years ago.  It's going to be such a special time, and we already have so many things planned.  We're doing some new things, like visiting the Dickens Fair, taking my mother-in-law to see the Nutcracker, and going on a trip to Reno to show them our favorite hotel resort.  Of course, we're also looking forward to sharing some of their (and now our) most cherished traditions, like popping Christmas crackers on Christmas morning and lounging around on Boxing Day (December 26) to watch a ton of English Premier League soccer matches!

I just know their holiday visit is going to be great, and since Alfie's parents are getting on in years, we are going to cherish every moment.  Like many families, we look at the holidays as a time for sharing memories, stories, hardships and triumphs.   One thing I love about Alfie's parents is that we can talk about anything with them, the good and the bad.  They speak just as frankly about their trials and tribulations as they do their triumphs.

That openness and willingness to share is a culture that Alfie and I want to pass on to our own children.  No matter how troubling or shameful they think their problems are -- whether it's drinking, drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, or whatever -- I want them to know that we are always willing to listen to them, and find ways to help them and get through it together. For example, I have friends whose family members have suffered from mental illness, and only after talking through it did they seek some much-needed help.  I don't want there to be any stigma in my family about talking through any problem, and that's why I'm honored to be chosen as a participant in the Each Mind Matters Ambassador Program.  For the next few months, I'll be blogging to highlight awareness for Mental Illness and Mental Health Challenges surrounding the holiday season, and beyond.  Stay tuned for more posts about debunking the stigmas and myths surrounding mental illnesses, as well as tips on how to talk to kids about mental illnesses and challenges!

Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for the California Mental Health Services Authority.  I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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