New options for Dragonfly Designs jewelry parties

School has been in session for over a month now, and the long, lazy days of summer seem so far away!  Spring seems even farther back in time now, but every so often I see The Pea wearing a bracelet or earring that reminds me of the wonderful Dragonfly Designs jewelry crafting party she enjoyed with her friends for her birthday.  Everyone enjoyed that party so much! The professionals from Dragonfly Designs brought everything we needed to design and create a variety of beautiful beaded jewelry, and they helped the party guests throughout, so I didn't have to stress out.

Dragonfly Designs has a variety of party plans to fit your party size, age and budget.  Every party package includes at least 1 party planner who comes to your home with an assortment of top quality beads, crystals, clasps and charms.  Larger or longer parties get 1 or 2 assistants in addition to the party planner, so every guest can get help when he or she needs it.
jewelry making

At one-hour parties, guests get to create 1 piece of jewelry each. They can choose from earrings, necklaces, bracelets, hair jewelry, bookmarks, key chains and more.  At two-hour parties,  guests get to create 3 pieces of jewelry each.  Dragonfly Designs has also added a nice bonus to their 2-hour parties:  hair feather extensions!

The Deluxe two-hour package is the ultimate in beading fun.  Guests enjoy everything in the regular two-hour package, plus a special surprise!  You can choose from 2 options:

(1) Each guest gets a handmade personalized necklace, bracelet or earrings for the birthday child and each participant, created by Dragonfly Designs.  The birthday celebrant can decide what she wants to give her friends, she can decide on the colors, styles, whatever you or she wants. You design it, they create it!


(2) The birthday celebrant gets an extra-special present just for her:  a fabulous Jewelry Making Kit with beads, tools and findings!

Every guest gets to keep the jewelry they make as a party favor, and gets a beautiful party favor pouch to store their jewelry in!

Dragonfly Designs also has a Birthday Party Kit that you can purchase and take home if you want to host your own jewelry making party.  The kit has all the supplies you'll need for 15 kids to make about 3 projects each -- but trust me, after seeing Stacee and her assistants rushing back and forth between the girls, you'll want to give yourself a treat and leave this to the experts!  You'll get a much better assortment of beads, and the jewelry will turn out a lot nicer because they know all kinds of tricks to correct or hide the little mistakes the kids might make.  If you have a crafty kid between the ages of 5 and 15 -- or if you're a grownup who wants to get some friends together for a crafty night out -- I can't recommend a Dragonfly Designs party highly enough!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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