Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two on Playstation Vita

If you've read this blog for any length of time, you'll know that I'm a big Disney fan - not the kind who gets married in the Magic Kingdom or names their kid Pluto, but the kind that will happily visit Disneyland any day of the year with Minnie ears, Mickey shirt, and lanyard full of pins.  The kind that will let their kids watch practically any movie or tv show that Disney has a hand in, because I've placed my trust in this brand to provide good quality, family-friendly entertainment.

So it should come as no surprise to anyone that I have lots of nice things to say about Disney Interactive's Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, which came out on the PlayStation Vita at the beginning of the summer. This game has already been on the PlayStation 3 platform for almost a year, but the PS Vita version has some unique features that take advantage of the PS Vita's touchscreen capabilities.  It has been entertaining my kids all summer!

Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two teams Mickey Mouse up with Walt Disney's original cartoon star, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, for the first time ever.  The game is set inside Wasteland, a dystopian world filled with forgotten Disney characters.  Using  Mickey's magical paintbrush (to paint or erase objects) and Oswald's remote control electric zapper (to stun baddies or reprogram them to become good), it's the player's job to  bring Wasteland back to life.

Players can choose to control either Mickey or Oswald.  I think it's neat to have a game that stars Oswald, who seems to have sat in obscurity for such a long time!  Judging by the number of Oswald ears I've seen in Disneyland, Oswald is making a comeback and I couldn't be happier.

The PS Vita's unique features play very well into this game.  Players can use the PS Vita's touch screen controls to target and paint objects in order to restore them to their natural state.  They can also use the touch screen to control Oswald's zapper, burst bubbles, and navigate menus.  In addition, the PS Vita's tilt-motion controls are perfect for the racing sections of the game!

I love the fact that Epic Mickey 2 features some real vintage Disney characters -- does anyone remember The Mad Doctor, Ortensia, Horace Horsecollar, or Pegleg Pete?  You'll see them all inside the game.  What a great way to introduce these classics to a new generation!

Disclosure: I received a copy of the game to review.. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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