Vote for me in the Circle of Moms Top 25 contest!

I have exciting news -- I'm in the running for the Circle of Moms Top 25 Northern California bloggers!  The top 25 will be chosen on August 13, 2013 based on votes, so I'm asking, pleading with you all, dear readers, to help me out!  I'd love you forever if you vote for me!

* You don't have to register or log in to the site.
* You can vote once every 24 hours until August 13.

To vote for me, go to  or go to and scroll down until you find me.  I'm currently in 17th place -- and with your help, I'm hoping I can stay there or do even better :)

Making the Top 25 list would mean more opportunities to work with brands for great giveaways!  And I'd love a nice shiny badge on my blog :)  If you have a second, I'd pretty please with extra cheese love it if you could vote for me!  Thanks in advance!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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