Trading in your old phone at a Best Buy Mobile store could get you up to $200!

This is a compensated post. The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

Ever heard the phrase "money doesn't grow on trees"?  You might not be able to find dollar bills in your back yard oak tree, but chances are you've got more than a couple of dollar bills stashed in your coat closet.  I'm not talking about the loose change you left in your gym bag three months ago, I'm talking about your used cell phones!  Did you know that you can trade your used cell phones in for a Best Buy gift certificate?  How cool is that? I had no idea you could do this, but it's true -- you can trade in your old phone and get up to $200 back at a Best Buy Mobile specialty store.

Finally, your old technology equipment doesn't have to be a hunk of junk any more!  I'm sure you have old cell phones lying around your house somewhere -- because you switch over to a new model as soon as the contract expires on your old phone!  Rather than pack your old phones in a box and dropping them off at the next free Electronics Recycling Day, take them in to Best Buy Mobile and get some money back.

Trading in your old phone couldn't be easier:

1) Check to see how much your old phone is worth at Best Buy's online trade-in site. The site calculates trade-in values for practically every phone in the market.  Older phones are worth less (Alfie's old HTC One was worth just over $1, and my old Samsung Reclaim wasn't worth anything!) while newer models can be worth up to $200!  My Samsung S2 was valued at $90 (the better the condition of the phone, the larger the trade-in-value) -- what a great way to get some extra cash since I'm in the market for a new phone anyway!

2) Take your old phone in to a Best Buy Mobile store. Make sure you take it to a Best Buy Mobile store, they do trade-ins every day!.  Make sure you take any accessories and peripherals that come with the phone, so you can get the maximum trade-in amount.

3)  You'll get a Best Buy gift card instantly -- that's it!  In my case, it was bye-bye old phone and hello Best Buy gift card :)

Now that' you've got some money to spend at Best Buy, what better way to spend it than on that new phone you've been eyeing?  My contract with Sprint reaches its 2-year anniversary in just a month, so I spent some time drooling over newer models like the Samsung S4 and iPhone 5.  The great thing about shopping for a new phone at Best Buy Mobile is that the staff doesn't work on commission, so they don't have to push one particular brand or carrier down your throat.  They can give honest opinions, assessments and comparisons about the various phones and carrier plans.

Disclosure: I am receiving a Best Buy gift card as compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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