Snap a photo and win a tour with San Francisco Ride the Ducks

San Francisco is certainly no stranger to the wild and wacky.... but what about the quacky?  Amidst the cable cars and the segway scooters and the little yellow GPS tour cars travels a truly strange vehicle:  Ride the Ducks Tours' DUKW amphibious vehicle!  Capable of traveling over both land and sea, it's 50% tour bus, 50% tour boat, and 100% fun.  This is what it looks like on water...

.... and this is what it looks like on land:

If you've spent time in San Francisco, you may have seen it -- and if you haven't, you'd better start looking for it, because if you snap a photo of Ride The Ducks tour vehicle and post it to, you'll be entered to win a free Ride The Ducks tour for you and a friend!

The kids and I will be taking a tour courtesy of Ride The Ducks San Francisco -- we can't wait!  Stay tuned for a recap of our Ride The Ducks Tour, and good luck finding their seriously quacky vehicle on the streets of San Francisco!

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post.  The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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