Make your loose change go a long way at JC Penney and help out the Boys and Girls Clubs of America

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The first day of school is almost here, and this year I've got a big role to play -- I'm going to be co-President of my sons' elementary school PTA!  After 7 years at this school, I wanted to help my kids' wonderful teachers in a meaningful way and help ensure they have everything they need to do the most important job in the world -- educating our future leaders and citizens.

Challenging as the PTA president job is, I know I'm lucky.  I have a wonderful co-president and friend who is going to be with me the whole way.  I have a supportive husband and a part-time job that gives me flexible hours.  Most of all, we are lucky to have a community of parents who have the time, money and passion to devote to making our school the best it can be.

Sadly, not all communities are like ours, and through no fault of their own.  It's just an economic reality.  The truth is that many kids across the country who are starting school without the school supplies,the staff, or the enrichment programs, that help make their learning experience a success. That's why afterschool programs like the Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) are so important. They keep kids off the streets and give them a place to gather with friends and engage in activities that keep them motivated and prepared to succeed in school.

I can't be join the PTA of every school district across the country, and I wouldn't even know which schools to donate to... but there's an easy, meaningful way to help the BGCA continue their mission -- just shop at JC Penney, round up your purchase to the nearest dollar, and JC Penney will donate your change to the BGCA.

That's right, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is JC Penney's JCP Cares partner of the month for July.  All month long they are inviting their customers to round up their purchase amounts to benefit the BGCA.  It's just a small amount of change -- less than a dollar! -- but it really adds up.  Last year, JC Pennney was able to raise and donate over one million dollars to the BGCA, and this year they have already raised over $700,000!  Those donations fund Club access grants and help promote programs like Tools for Back to School, an initiative that provides kids with the tools they need to achieve academic success.

For more information about the BGCA, their mission, their partnership with JC Penney and how you can help, go to:

Disclosure: Thank you to the Boys & Girls Club of America and Mom Central Consulting for selecting me to be a BGCA Back-to-School Ambassador!  As a Back-to-School Ambassador, I am participating in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and I will be receiving a promotional item as a thank you for participating. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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