I'm attending the Social Media Moms Celebration "On The Road" in SF!

The Disney Social Media Moms conference is one of the most sought-after social media conferences in the blogosphere.  After all, who wouldn't want to treat their family to a few days at Disney World at a highly subsidized rate while you network and learn how to grow your brand through social media?  It's an invitation-only event, and I'm not really sure how one gets an invite: you just have to follow @DisneySMMoms on twitter, stay active on social media and keep your fingers crossed.

The good news is, the conference is going on the road and spreading a bit of pixie dust throughout the country so that more bloggers can experience a bit of the Disney conference magic!  This summer, Disney Social Media Moms Celebration “On-the-Road” is coming to San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, D.C. and New York in a half-day conference featuring keynote speakers, blogger panels and networking opportunities.

I received an invitation to attend the San Francisco leg of the "On-the-road" conference, and I couldn't be more excited!  I was invited to the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in Disney World last year but couldn't make it due to scheduling conflicts, and I must confess I've felt a kind of wistful envy when following the #DisneySMMoms conference tweets.  But I'm feeling like Cinderella again, because  now I get to go to the ball and finally get to see what all the excitement is about!

Like the annual conference, the "On-the-road" conferences are invitation only, but I do know one way to increase your chances (but not guarantee?) of getting invited:  Ask!  They have an interest form on the conference website for bloggers who are interested in attending, so fill out the form to let the conference organizers know.

Disclosure: I did not receive a sample or monetary compensation for this post. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.

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1 comment:

  1. It looks like we'll be attending the same conference! I can't wait to meet you there! Hopefully by then I'll have decided on a business card design, or else I'll be handing out napkins with my info scribbled on them! ;)
