Home, Sweet Home

When Alfie bought our home fifteen years ago, he was a swinging single and had no idea he would be sharing it with three kids and a wife.  All he cared about was location, location, location: he wanted to be near downtown so he could walk to restaurants and shops whenever it suited his fancy.

It turns out that he made exactly the right decision: location, location, location are truly the 3 most important factors when it comes to buying a house!  When I came along and the kids followed some time later, we added a second floor to accommodate our growing family.  Our home is small in comparison with most of the homes around us, but there is no way we would trade it in for a bigger house in a different location.  Here are just some of the things I love about our location:

It's in Northern California, so we enjoy mild winters, warm summers and endless amounts of sunshine.  Living in NorCal also means that beaches, mountains and forests are just a few hours drive away.

Trees!  We've got tons of trees in people's back yards, lining our sidewalks, and in our parks.  I love being surrounded by so much green!

We live in a diverse, multicultural, well-educated, community that shares our values.

Our home is within walking distance to the kids' school, so we use muscle power instead of gas every day, which is good for our health, our budget and the earth.

Our home is within walking distance from downtown, and all modern-day conveniences (banks, groceries, shops, salons, gas stations, etc...) are easy to get to.

Our home is on a quiet street that doesn't get much traffic, so it's easy for us (and visitors) to park, and I don't have to worry about the kids being run over every time they step outside.

We could easily sell our home and buy a bigger house for less money, so we'd have more in the bank (not to mention paying less in real estate taxes) but we love our home and we love our life here.  We are here to stay -- it's Home, Sweet Home indeed!

Disclosure: I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own..

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